美国ASP空间产业趋势分析(美国Space Force)
作为世界上空间技术领域的重要引领者,美国的太空力量(Space Force)在这一进程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。
本文将深入分析美国ASP空间产业的趋势,并探讨美国Space Force如何推动这一领域的发展。
1. 商业航天蓬勃发展:随着商业航天技术的不断进步和市场需求增长,美国商业航天领域正在迅速发展。越来越多的私营公司涉足航天领域,推动了卫星通信、遥感等技术的进步。
2. 军民融合深化:美国Space Force的成立,标志着军民融合战略的进一步实施。军民融合将为美国ASP空间产业的发展带来更多机遇和挑战,促进技术交流和资源共享。
3. 技术创新加速:人工智能、大数据等技术的融合应用,推动了空间技术的创新发展。美国ASP空间产业正在逐步实现智能化、网络化、自动化发展,提高了产业竞争力。
4. 国际合作与竞争并存:美国在全球范围内寻求空间技术合作,加强与其他国家和地区的联系。同时,竞争也在加剧,特别是在卫星导航、深空探测等领域。
四、美国Space Force对ASP空间产业的影响
1. 推动政策制定与实施:Space Force的成立促使美国政府更加重视空间技术的发展,为ASP空间产业的政策制定和实施提供了有力支持。
2. 加速技术创新与研发:Space Force通过投入大量资源进行技术研发和创新,推动了ASP空间产业的技术进步。
3. 加强军民融合与资源整合:Space Force的成立标志着军民融合的进一步深化,有利于整合军地资源,推动ASP空间产业的协同发展。
4. 提升国际竞争力:Space Force积极参与国际合作与竞争,提升了美国在全球ASP空间产业的竞争力。
1. 法律法规待完善:随着ASP空间产业的快速发展,相关法律法规需不断完善,以适应新的产业形态和技术发展。
2. 人才培养与引进:ASP空间产业需要高素质的人才支撑,应加强人才培养和引进力度,为产业发展提供人才保障。
3. 国际合作与竞争平衡:在加强国际合作的同时,要警惕竞争风险,保持合作与竞争的平衡,以实现ASP空间产业的可持续发展。
Space Force的成立为美国ASP空间产业的发展提供了有力支持,推动了政策制定、技术创新、资源整合等方面的发展。
怎么我设置cs大跳脚本出现"SPACE +sjump" isn't a valid key??请教各位高手解决
CS 问题大全!及CS相关下载. (37个问题) 上互动论坛混时间也不算太长,回复求助帖子无数。
(为了描述方便简称cscn版本了) (说明)控制台:在进入CS的设置中加参数 -console,即可在游戏中调出控制台,按~(即1左边的那个键)即可。
如何加参数?在互动,要在大厅里的“设置”--“命令行参数”里加上 -console。
要是在局域网,在桌面的CS快捷方式,点右键属性,在“目标”栏的后面加上 -console 就可以了,中间要加空格。
(有点长,要有点耐心才能看完哦) 1、远程控制问题。
这个问题只存在于cscn 版本中,由于汉化CS时,在和文件中加入了一行“rcon_password ” 所以可以用“”这个密码进行远程控制。
更改密码方法: cscn版本中,H,1,0, 输入更改后的密码即可,随便输几个字符就行了。
也可在控制台中,输入命令:rcon_password XXXX(新密码)即可。
2、自己怎样刷新? 换地图,设置某些时间的问题。
常用的有: sv_restartround 1 (刷新一遍) 或者retry命令也可。
reconnect (自己刷新一遍,也就是重新加入游戏,而不必退出) mp_startmoney (开始时的钱数) mp_c4timer 45 (设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间) mp_buytime 2 (多少分钟内可在基地买东西) mp_timelimit 45 (打多少分钟换地图) mp_roundtime 2 (一个回合多少分钟) mp_freezetime 0 (多少秒时间内固定在那里买枪) mp_autoteambalance 1 (双方队伍人数自动平衡) name “XXXXX” (游戏中改自己的名字) changelevel XXXX (换成XXXX地图) decalfrequency XX (设定喷LOGO的间隔时间) 方法二、在cscn版本里, H,1,1 (刷新一遍) H,1,2 (自己刷一遍) H,1,3 (开始时的钱数) H,1,8,1 (打多少分钟换地图) H,1,8,2 (一个回合多少分钟) H,1,8,3 (多少秒时间内固定在那里买枪) H,1,8,4 (多少分钟内可在基地买东西) H,1,8,5 (设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间) H,4 (游戏中改自己的名字) H,5 (换地图) 3、踢人问题。
常有人有人作弊,看不顺眼,怎么踢他出去?还有那些乱刷新的家伙,怎样揪出他,踢他出去? 首先回答踢人问题: 踢人分两种: 一是简单的踢他,不过他还可以再进来,这种简单,作方法: 控制台,输入users显示出每个玩家的ID编号, 输入kick #XX(编号)(编号前面加#哦),OK,解决。
作方法: 控制台,先查ID编号,再输入banid YY #XX kick,就可以了,不过在实际中这样做自己主机就会退出游戏。
经过研究,发现,在局域网游戏中是不可以这样banid的,为什么呢?经查,所有局域网的玩家的uniqueid都是一样的,(虽然个人的ID编号不一样,)banid 命令是以uniqueid为识别的,所以banid别人就把自己顺便给banid 出去啦。
好,踢人问题解决了,可是有人捣乱刷新,怎么查出这个人呢? 解决方法:在他刷新或乱改了设置之后,马上调出控制台,好,你会看到这样的话:rcon from ……(之后写的是他用的远程控制密码和远程控制命令),看到IP了吗? 输入status,可以查看各个玩家的ID和对应的IP,看出是谁了吧?警告他!不要捣乱!不爽的话用users加kick 对付他也不过分哦。
不必想了,我们还是用我们的盗版CDKEY吧,在互动上进局域网游戏是一样用的, 在此给出几个: 5590--8806 3293--4860 5796--1881 3398--6822 5690--2881 2390--1841 3392--8809 2092--6828 2298--1888 5、重复打字、说话问题。
常有人问为什么有的人一句话可以连续发好几遍,而自己只能一遍一遍打呢? 解决办法: 在控制台下,用say XXXXXXXXXXXXX 说话就可以了,相当于Y键,说完后,按向上的方向键就可以重复上次输入的命令,这样不就OK了? 还有用say_team XXXXXXXXX命令就相当于U键,只对队友说话。
一般是“C:|Program Files|CS1.5中文硬盘版|CS1.5中文硬盘版|”。
在此简单作答: = 可以调出菜单,英文好完全可以自己看明白了。
不明白的话,以下是常用的: =1 表示随机加一个电脑,=51 表示全部加匪,=52表示全部加警, =6表示去掉一个电脑,=7表示把电脑全部去掉, =3表示把电脑全部杀死,=4就是连玩家连自己一起死啦! =81表示让电脑只带刀,不许拿枪。
点击这里打开POD机器人详细使用说明 8、反作弊器问题。
) 互动平台目前还不强制支持Cheating-Death 反作弊器,所以基本上在互动是不开CD的。
呼吁:作弊者人人得而诛之!!! 9、黑屏,视角问题。
解决方法: 输入命令mp_fadetoblack 1/0 (1是屏幕变黑,啥也看不到,0是可以看到) 输入命令mp_forcechasecam 0/1/2 (0是自由模式、1只能跟着自己队友走动、2尸体视线留在原地) 10、CS窗口化问题 假如你需要用窗口模式来玩CS,请在CS参数里加上 -windows 即可。
如果又不需要窗口模式了,去掉参数-windows ,并在视频设置(video configure)里, 把“运行在窗口”(run in a windows)前面的*去掉就可以回复全屏了。
v11、不进服务器,怎样看各服务器的ping值大小 一般在服务器列表里,都是用点来表示网速的快慢,可是不能准确的表示ping的值。
解决办法: 1、选择服务器,点一下“信息”一栏,可以看到ping值,但是你进服务器的时候,实际的ping值应该比看到的要高一点点。
2、在启动的参数里加入 -numericping, (就象加 -console一样加,参照文章前面)进去会发现本来Ping是用点显示,现在加了数字,数字越小ping越低,速度越快。
12、CS屏幕大小不对,准心不准问题 碰到CS屏幕大小不准,准心偏低不准,等等。
可以退一下,恢复默认值就可以按=号调大了,不过这时POD就不能再呼出了,就是不能再调POD了 。
命令是: sizedown 缩小屏幕 sizeup 放大屏幕 13、局域网无法连接,快捷方式问题。
就是局域网的两台机子可以在互动平台上联网,在局域网里建时,也能 看到主机,就是进不去!提示信息应该为:You cannot connect to a server running a custom game cstrike until you…… 呵呵, 你只是范了一个很小很小的错误。
就是每次点击cs的图标以后,开场画面都能正常 出现,但是当我点击“进入游戏”时,总会 跳出下面一串英文:Content control configuration-On. 这个问题是因为打开了连接控制,也就是给CS加上了密码, 没这个密码是不能用CS的。
运行regedit,打开HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Valve/CounterStrike/Settings 里面有个“User Token 2” 删掉它,就OK了。
1、方法一,按键设置: 把跳跃键的第二设定改为V键或B键。
) CS里打的时候,可以用大拇指,把V键和空格键一起按,就可以了。
2、用一个简单的脚本也可以实现,这里有个脚本: alias +sjump “+jump;+duck” alias -sjump “-jump;-duck” bind SPACE +sjump 把它们一行一行从控制台输入也可以,不过一般都写到CFG文件里去,这样比较方便。
你可以把它加入到文件里去(在cstrike文件夹里,用记事本打开加进去就行啦),然后在CS中控制台下,执行一次 这个文件:exec 就可以了,以后每次它都会自动运行的。
如果戴耳机左右声道与实际相反或者声音左右不清, 首先,在系统的音量设置里把混音之类的什么去掉。
再进CS,在 游戏设置-->音频设置里, 把 A3D硬件支持,EAX硬件支持,选上(或者去掉)。
如果已经进了CS,可以用以下命令更改:(可以加入config 文件,下面的是我的config里面的,效果不错的哦) s_a3d “0” s_eax “0” volume “1.0” suitvolume “0.25” hisound “1.0” bgmvolume “1.0” 如果这样还不行,呵呵,把耳机反戴就行咯。
怎么办? 以下罗列几种办法以供参考: 1、要切换出来之前,按esc退到CS菜单下再切换出来,这样就没事了。
3、根据我的理解,运行于窗口模式是不是好点呢? 4、最便宜的就是用win2000和XP的人啦,就算声音已经没有了,按ctrl +Alt+Del 调出任务管理器,在 上面双击CS的程序,就可以进去啦,声音还在,就算本来没有了都还原了。
18、“IP adress error …”问题 假如出现“……game ,ip adress error……”的错误提示, 个人认为,应该是你安装了其他联网游戏平台,如浩方,XX互动,之类的游戏平台,或者需要进行虚拟IP转换的软件、游戏。
19、若干控制台参数 -console-预设就有,有这个在game里才能调出控制台 -32bpp-用32bit色彩起动game,预设是16bit,用32bit可能使游戏变慢,但更好看 -numericping-用数字显示ping -nojoy-不起动摇捍 -noipx-不用ipx,如果是intetnet游戏,不要起动此项 -heapsize XXXXX-x为指定数字,可指定cs占用多少内存,最好用建议值 20、进CS服务器总要2次才能进去的问题 有时候会碰到这样的情况,每次进一个服务器总是没反应,需要按ESC退一下再进一次才能进去。
21、OPENGL 不支持问题 这也很常见啊,一般有这样的提示:The selected OpenGL Mode is not supporLted by video card…… 关于OPENGL不支持的问题,比较复杂,现列一些解决方法如下: 1、强行设置,有些显卡老提醒你说不支持OPENGL,别理他,继续设置,可以用的。
2、如果不行,下载最新的显卡驱动 地址:3、最好安装DirectX 9,地址:一般这样都能解决问题,还不行,请 4、手工安装或MSOpengl(地址:GLSetup最新1.0.0.121完全版(2001年4月13日发布) :win9x) 5、如果还不能解决问题,可能你的显卡不太支持, 请使用GLDirect V4.01,(降低硬件要求,模拟OPENGL) 地址::另:忠告:打CS,显卡最好是TNT 2 以上的,也就是差不多99年底之后买的。
现提供以下解决办法,可以试一试: 在桌面击鼠标右键--属性--设置--高级,点-GF2MX选点左边框里的 openGL设置 进行调整: 1,关掉“启用缓冲区扩展““允许双面扩展使用本机视频内存“ 2,打开“禁用对cpu增强指令集的支持” 3,纹理的默认颜色深度:始终使用16bpp 4,缓冲翻转模式:使用位块传输 5,垂直同步:始终关闭 6,各向异性过滤:已禁用 7,最大使用量:14 其中:1,2,4 效果不是很明显, 3对于winXP用户很重要 5,6强烈推荐改掉。
22、出现PID错误问题 碰到过好几次这样的问题了。
PID是process identification, 进程标识符。
PID 错误应该是平台运行时与其他进程产生冲突, 这种情况一般出现在网吧,而且网吧肯定安装了某种网络管理软件,这种软件与平台产生PID冲突。
试试找一款进程管理软件,结束可疑的一切进程,呵呵,不过网吧的人看到可不得了哦,你关掉了他的网管软件那怎么行? 23、刷不到主机问题。
(这个问题涉及太多,比较复杂,整理中……) 一般解决方法,重新下载新的互动客户端并安装即可。
假如你刷的到主机,其他一切正常,只是主机名是暗的话, 那么,基本可以肯定你的CS版本与主机不一致!呵呵,能确定它是正宗的1.5版吗?最好重下一个哦。
如果出现retry 4次连接不上服务器的情况,网络问题,请使用更快的网络连接方式或者更换连接更快的服务器。
其他情况,要看给出什么提示,具体的整理中…… 25、麦克风讲话问题 麦克风讲话有什么故障的话,解决方法如下: 1、你的麦是好的吗,是否插在声卡的合适接口? 2、打开音频属性(双击屏幕右下方那个小喇叭),看是否有MIC或micphone之类的一项,并且要打开。
3、CS游戏中,默认是K键讲话,按K键,看屏幕是否有小喇叭出现, 有,正常,没有,添加 bind “k” “voicerecord”到文件里去。
4、打开你的config,修改 sv_voiceenable “1” voice_modenable “1” voice_scale “1.” voice_enable “1” voice_forcemicrecord “1.” 5、如果你的声卡是ISA声卡,抱歉,ISA声卡是无法与CS的语音功能协同工作的。
不过部分可以采用DirectSound方式 解决。
具体方法:启动游戏时增加一个参数“+voice_dsound 1”,在互动,要在大厅里的“设置”--“命令行参数”里加上 +voice_dsound 1 。
(现在因为比较穷,网站空间被迫关闭……) 大家也可以到这里学习一下脚本的制作方法: 点击这里打开 脚本制作教程 27、鼠标只能控制前后走的问题 CS中鼠标只能控制前后走,不能上下抬头低头了。
换枪问题三个方法: 1、在游戏的控制设置里点上“快速换枪” 2、在控制台输入hud_fastswitch “1” 3、cscn版本中按 H,3。
左右手问题同样, 1、在游戏控制设置里改。
2、输入lefthand 0/1 3、cscn版本中按 H,2。
29、录制播放游戏的问题 首先播放的demo要放到cstrike 文件夹里面,录下来的demo也在这里。
下面给出录制播放的常用命令: record XXXX(文件名)开始记录一个录像,录像保存在 stop 停止录像 listdemo XXXX 列出录像信息 playdemo XXXX 使用正常速度播放 录像 playvol 9 设置录像回放次数 startdemos 循环播放一段录像 startmovie XXXX 播放一段录像 appenddemo XXXX 在该录像文件后继续录像,不覆盖原录象 30、游戏卡的问题。
具体情况具体分析,详细分析待整理中…… 31、游戏中输中文的问题 抱歉,CS1.5 是不能输中文的。
32、屏幕比较暗的问题 有人抱怨屏幕太暗,暗处看不到人,常被人暗算,呵呵 解决办法: 1、调显示器。
3、在文件中加上(或改为) gamma “3.” 和 brightness “3.” ,这个数字好象大于3.也没什么变化了。
显卡中可以调“亮度调整”或是 “伽马校正”,可以在这里调的很亮很亮。
(技术原因,此法不推荐) 6、曾经见过单独的亮度调节软件,寻找中…… 33、ADSL用户不能联机的问题 (转载) 1;XP用户.只要去掉本地连接的TCP/IP协议就可以了. !注意!:是本地连接. 方法: 开始->连接到->显示所有连接->双击本地连接->属性->常规->把TCP/IP的勾去掉,不是删哦。
2:WIN2000用户2000使用者就使用Raspppoe连线程式,且网卡的TCP/IP不要打勾 3:WIN98用户98使用者使用Raspppoe连线程式:需将网络设定内-----TCP/IP->“你的网卡名称”----移除. 这样在游戏中显示的IP才是ISP给你的IP否则显示的IP是你网卡的IP。
2、关于个性喷图的制作,限于篇幅不一一细说, 请参考此帖:35、怎样用已知的IP进入该服务器? 进入游戏后, 点Play cs(进入游戏)---Internet Games(网上对战)------Add Server(加入服务器)---输入类似:XXXXX 的IP地址,点OK。
下次刷新服务器列表时不会丢掉已经用 Add Server找到的服务器。
=============== CS抓图、视频抓图上传帖图大全 [版本 Ver1.0] 1、抓取屏幕全图。
在CS或任意时刻,按print screen键就可以抓取当前屏幕。
(就是退格键[backspace]← 右边那个键,也) 然后打开 程序--附件--画图 , 按ctrl+v 粘贴上去,就可以看到了。
(这是一种压缩格式的图片文件,一般上传都支持这个) 2、捕捉屏幕或抓取部分屏幕。
如图,在视频聊天的时候,点右下方的“捕捉屏幕”(红圈划的那里) 然后用鼠标拉一个框,双击鼠标左键,就保存下来了, 打开 程序--附件--画图 , 按ctrl+v 粘贴上去,再另存为图片文件。
(21CN影集) 再介绍一个上传空间,免注册! 点击这里! 21CN影集可以免费注册的。
4、论坛帖图 上传成功后,点击那个小图片缩略图,就会有大图片出来。
最后,祝大家顺利抓图帖图!!! (顺便也顶下偶的帖子哦) 支持大家多帖CS的抓图,不要只帖MM哦。
第一部分、计算机算法常用术语中英对照Data Structures 基本数据结构 Dictionaries 字典 Priority Queues 堆 Graph Data Structures 图 Set Data Structures 集合 Kd-Trees 线段树 Numerical Problems 数值问题 Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组 Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩 Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法 Determinants and Permanents 行列式 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题 Linear Programming 线性规划 Random Number Generation 随机数生成 Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定 Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算 Knapsack Problem 背包问题 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换 Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Sorting 排序 Searching 查找 Median and Selection 中位数 Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成 Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成 Calendrical Calculations 日期 Job Scheduling 工程安排 Satisfiability 可满足性 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法 Connected Components 连通分支 Topological Sorting 拓扑排序 Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树 Shortest Path 最短路径 Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包 Matching 匹配 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路 Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点 Network Flow 网络流 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘 Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入 Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题 Clique 最大团 Independent Set 独立集 Vertex Cover 点覆盖 Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题 Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路 Graph Partition 图的划分 Vertex Coloring 点染色 Edge Coloring 边染色 Graph Isomorphism 同构 Steiner Tree Steiner树 Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图 Computational Geometry 计算几何 Convex Hull 凸包 Triangulation 三角剖分 Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi图 Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询 Range Search 范围查询 Point Location 位置查询 Intersection Detection 碰撞测试 Bin Packing 装箱问题 Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换 Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割 Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简 Shape Similarity 相似多边形 Motion Planning 运动规划 Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割 Minkowski Sum Minkowski和 Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题 Set Cover 集合覆盖 Set Packing 集合配置 String Matching 模式匹配 Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配 Text Compression 压缩 Cryptography 密码 Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化 Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串 Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串 DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划 recursion —— 递归 第二部分、编程词汇 A2A integration A2A整合 abstract 抽象的 abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类 abstract class 抽象类 abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性 access 存取、访问 access level访问级别 access function 访问函数 account 账户 action 动作 activate 激活 active 活动的 actual parameter 实参 adapter 适配器 add-in 插件 address 地址 address space 地址空间 address-of operator 取地址操作符 ADL (argument-dependent lookup) ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象 advanced 高级的 aggregation 聚合、聚集 algorithm 算法 alias 别名 align 排列、对齐 allocate 分配、配置 allocator分配器、配置器 angle bracket 尖括号 annotation 注解、评注 API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口 app domain (application domain)应用域 application 应用、应用程序 application framework 应用程序框架 appearance 外观 append 附加 architecture 架构、体系结构 archive file 归档文件、存档文件 argument引数(传给函式的值)。参见parameter array 数组 arrow operator 箭头操作符 ASP(Active Server Page)活动服务器页面 worker process 工作者进程 assembly 装配件、配件 assembly language 汇编语言 assembly manifest 装配件清单 assert(ion) 断言 assign 赋值 assignment 赋值、分配 assignment operator 赋值操作符 associated 相关的、相关联的 associative container 关联式容器(对应sequential container) asynchronous 异步的 atomic 原子的 atomic operation 原子操作 attribute 特性、属性 authentication service 验证服务 authorization 授权 audio 音频 A.I. 人工智能 B2B integration B2B整合、B2B集成(business-to-business integration) background 背景、后台(进程) backward compatible 向后兼容、向下兼容 backup 备份 backup device备份设备 backup file 备份文件 bandwidth 带宽 base class 基类 base type 基类型 batch 批处理 BCL (base class library)基类库 binary 二进制 binary search 二分查找 binary tree 二叉树 binary function 双参函数 binary large object二进制大对象 binary operator 二元操作符 binding 绑定 bit 位 bitmap 位图 bitwise 按位... bitwise copy 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制,按位拷 bitwise operation 按位运算 block 块、区块、语句块 bookkeeping 簿记 boolean 布林值(真假值,true或false) border 边框 bounds checking 边界检查 boxing 装箱、装箱转换 brace (curly brace) 大括号、花括号 bracket (square brakcet) 中括号、方括号 breakpoint 断点 browser applications 浏览器应用(程序) browser-accessible application 可经由浏览器访问的应用程序 build 编连(专指编译和连接 built-in 内建、内置 bus 总线 business 业务、商务(看场合) business Logic 业务逻辑 business rules 业务规则 buttons 按钮 bug 臭虫 by/through 通过 byte 位元组(由8 bits组成) cache 高速缓存 calendar 日历 call 调用 callback 回调 call-level interface (CLI)调用级接口(CLI) call operator 调用操作符 candidate key 候选键 (for database) cascading delete 级联删除 (for database) cascading update 级联更新 (for database) casting 转型、造型转换 catalog 目录 chain 链(function calls) character 字符 character format 字符格式 character set 字符集 CHECK constraints CHECK约束 (for database) checkpoint 检查点 (for database) check box 复选框 check button 复选按钮 child class 子类 CIL (common intermediate language)通用中间语言、通用中介语言 class 类 class declaration 类声明 class definition 类定义 class derivation list 类继承列表 class factory 类厂 class hierarchy 类层次结构 class library 类库 class loader 类装载器 class template 类模板 class template partial specializations 类模板部分特化 class template specializations 类模板特化 classification 分类 clause 子句 client application 客户端应用程序 client cursor 客户端游标 (for database) code page 代码页 cleanup 清理、清除 CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 通用语言基础设施 client 客户、客户端 client area 客户区 client-server 客户机/服务器、客户端/服务器 clipboard 剪贴板 clone 克隆 CLS (common language specification) 通用语言规范 code access security 代码访问安全 COFF (Common Object File Format) 通用对象文件格式 collection 集合 COM (Component Object Model) 组件对象模型 combo box 组合框 command line 命令行 comment 注释 commit 提交 (for database) communication 通讯 compatible 兼容 compile time 编译期、编译时 compiler 编译器 component组件 composite index 复合索引、组合索引 (for database) composite key 复合键、组合键 (for database) composition 复合、组合 concept 概念 concrete具体的 concrete class 具体类 concurrency 并发、并发机制 constraint 约束 (for database) configuration 配置、组态 connection 连接 (for database) connection pooling 连接池 console 控制台 constant 常量 construct 构件、成分、概念、构造(for language) constructor (ctor) 构造函数、构造器 container 容器 containment包容 context 环境、上下文 control 控件 cookie (不译) copy 拷贝 CORBA 通用对象请求中介架构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture) cover 覆盖、涵盖 create/creation 创建、生成 crosstab query 交叉表查询 (for database) CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern) CTS (common type system)通用类型系统 cube 多维数据集 (for database) cursor 光标 cursor 游标 (for database) custom 定制、自定义 data 数据 data connection 数据连接 (for database) Data Control Language (DCL) 数据控制语言(DCL) (for database) Data Definition Language (DDL) 数据定义语言(DDL) (for database) data dictionary 数据字典 (for database) data dictionary view 数据字典视图 (for database) data file 数据文件 (for database) data integrity 数据完整性 (for database) data manipulation language (DML)数据操作语言(DML) (for database) data mart 数据集市 (for database) data pump 数据抽取 (for database) data scrubbing 数据清理 (for database) data source 数据源 (for database) Data source name (DSN) 数据源名称(DSN) (for database) data warehouse 数据仓库 (for database) dataset 数据集 (for database) database 数据库 (for database) database catalog 数据库目录 (for database) database diagram 数据关系图 (for database) database file 数据库文件 (for database) database object 数据库对象 (for database) database owner 数据库所有者 (for database) database project 数据库工程 (for database) database role 数据库角色 (for database) database schema 数据库模式、数据库架构 (for database) database script 数据库脚本 (for database) data-bound 数据绑定 (for database) data-aware control数据感知控件 (for database) data member 数据成员、成员变量 dataset 数据集 (for database) data source 数据源 (for database) data structure数据结构 data table 数据表 (for database) datagram 数据报文 DBMS (database management system)数据库管理系统 (for database) DCOM (distributed COM)分布式COM dead lock 死锁 (for database) deallocate 归还 debug 调试 debugger 调试器 decay 退化 decision support 决策支持 declaration 声明 declarative referential integrity (DRI)声明引用完整性(DRI) (for database) deduction 推导 DEFAULT constraint默认约束 (for database) default database 默认数据库 (for database) default instance 默认实例 (for database) default result set 默认结果集 (for database) default 缺省、默认值 defer 推迟 definition 定义 delegate 委托 delegation 委托 dependent name deploy 部署 dereference 解引用 dereference operator (提领)运算子 derived class 派生类 design by contract 契约式设计 design pattern 设计模式 destroy 销毁 destructor(dtor)析构函数、析构器 device 设备 DHTML (dynamic HyperText Markup Language)动态超文本标记语言 dialog 对话框 digest 摘要 digital 数字的 DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)直接Internet消息封装 directive (编译)指示符 directory 目录 dirty pages脏页 (for database) dirty read 脏读 (for database) disassembler 反汇编器 DISCO (Discovery of Web Services)Web Services的查找 disk 盘 dispatch 调度、分派、派发(我喜欢“调度”) DISPID (Dispatch Identifier)分派标识符 distributed computing 分布式计算 distributed query 分布式查询 (for database) DNA (Distributed interNet Application) 分布式网间应用程序 document 文档 DOM (Document Object Model)文档对象模型 dot operator (圆)点操作符 driver 驱动(程序) DTD (document type definition) 文档类型定义 double-byte character set (DBCS)双字节字符集(DBCS) dump 转储 dump file 转储文件 dynamic cursor 动态游标 (for database) dynamic filter 动态筛选 (for database) dynamic locking 动态锁定 (for database) dynamic recovery 动态恢复 (for database) dynamic snapshot 动态快照 (for database) dynamic SQL statements 动态SQL语句 (for database) dynamic assembly 动态装配件、动态配件 dynamic binding 动态绑定 EAI (enterprise application integration)企业应用程序集成(整合) EBCO (empty base class optimization) 空基类优化(机制) e-business 电子商务 EDI (Dlectronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换 efficiency 效率 efficient 高效 end-to-end authentication 端对端身份验证 end user 最终用户 engine 引擎 entity 实体 encapsulation 封装 enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别 nested class有关) enum (enumeration) 枚举 enumerators 枚举成员、枚举器 equal 相等 equality 相等性 equality operator 等号操作符 error log 错误日志 (for database) escape code 转义码 escape character 转义符、转义字符 exclusive lock 排它锁 (for database) explicit transaction 显式事务 (for database) evaluate 评估 event 事件 event driven 事件驱动的 event handler 事件处理器 evidence 证据 exception 异常 exception declaration 异常声明 exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制 exception-safe 异常安全的 exception specification 异常规范 exit 退出 explicit 显式 explicit specialization 显式特化 export 导出 expression 表达式 facility 设施、设备 fat client 胖客户端 feature 特性、特征 fetch 提取 field 字段(java) field 字段 (for database) field length 字段长度 (for database) file 文件 filter 筛选 (for database) finalization 终结 firewall 防火墙 finalizer 终结器 firmware 固件 flag 标记 flash memory 闪存 flush 刷新 font 字体 foreign key (FK) 外键(FK) (for database) form 窗体 formal parameter 形参 forward declaration 前置声明 forward-only 只向前的 forward-only cursor 只向前游标 (for database) fragmentation 碎片 (for database) framework 框架 full specialization 完全特化 function 函数 function call operator (即operator ()) 函数调用操作符 function object 函数对象 function overloaded resolution函数重载决议 functionality 功能 function template函数模板 functor 仿函数 GAC (global assembly cache) 全局装配件缓存、全局配件缓存 GC (Garbage collection) 废品回收(机制)、废品收集(机制) game 游戏 generate 生成 generic 泛化的、一般化的、通用的 generic algorithm通用算法 genericity 泛型 getter (相对于 setter)取值函数 global 全局的 global object 全局对象 global scope resolution operator 全局范围解析操作符 grant 授权 (for database) granularity 粒度 group 组、群 group box 分组框 GUI 图形界面 GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) 全球唯一标识符 hand shaking 握手 handle 句柄 handler 处理器 hard-coded 硬编码的 hard-copy 截屏图 hard disk 硬盘 hardware 硬件 hash table 散列表、哈希表 header file头文件 heap 堆 help file 帮助文件 hierarchy 层次结构、继承体系 hierarchical data 阶层式数据、层次式数据 hook 钩子 Host (application)宿主(应用程序) hot key 热键 hyperlink 超链接 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 超文本标记语言 HTTP pipeline HTTP管道 HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议 icon 图标 IDE (Integrated Development Environment)集成开发环境 IDL (Interface Definition Language) 接口定义语言 identifier 标识符 idle time 空闲时间 if and only if当且仅当 IL (Intermediate Language) 中间语言、中介语言 image 图象 IME 输入法 immediate base 直接基类 immediate derived 直接派生类 immediate updating 即时更新 (for database) implicit transaction隐式事务 (for database) incremental update 增量更新 (for database) index 索引 (for database) implement 实现 implementation 实现、实现品 implicit 隐式 import 导入 increment operator 增加操作符 infinite loop 无限循环 infinite recursive 无限递归 information 信息 infrastructure 基础设施 inheritance 继承、继承机制 inline 内联 inline expansion 内联展开 initialization 初始化 initialization list 初始化列表、初始值列表 initialize 初始化 inner join 内联接 (for database) in-place active 现场激活 instance 实例 instantiated 具现化、实体化(常应用于template) instantiation 具现体、具现化实体(常应用于template) integrate 集成、整合 integrity 完整性、一致性 integrity constraint完整性约束 (for database) interprocess communication (IPC)进程间通讯(IPC) interacts 交互 interface 接口 for GUI 界面 interoperability 互操作性、互操作能力 interpreter 解释器 introspection 自省 invariants 不变性 invoke 调用 isolation level 隔离级别 (for database) iterate 迭代 iterative 反复的、迭代的 iterator 迭代器 iteration 迭代(回圈每次轮回称为一个iteration) item 项、条款、项目 JIT compilation JIT编译 即时编译 key 键 (for database) key column 键列 (for database) laser 激光 late binding 迟绑定 left outer join 左向外联接 (for database) level 阶、层例 high level 高阶、高层 library 库 lifetime 生命期、寿命 link 连接、链接 linkage 连接、链接 linker 连接器、链接器 literal constant 字面常数 list 列表、表、链表 list box 列表框 livelock 活锁 (for database) load 装载、加载 load balancing 负载平衡 loader 装载器、载入器 local 局部的 local object 局部对象 lock 锁 log 日志 login 登录 login security mode登录安全模式 (for database) lookup table 查找表 (for database) loop 循环 loose coupling 松散耦合 lvalue 左值 machine code 机器码、机器代码 macro 宏 maintain 维护 managed code 受控代码、托管代码 Managed Extensions 受控扩充件、托管扩展 managed object 受控对象、托管对象 mangled name manifest 清单 manipulator 操纵器(iostream预先定义的一种东西) many-to-many relationship 多对多关系 (for database) many-to-one relationship 多对一关系 (for database) marshal 列集 member 成员 member access operator 成员取用运算子(有dot和arrow两种) member function 成员函数 member initialization list成员初始值列表 memberwise 以member为单元…、members 逐一… memberwise copy memory 内存 memory leak 内存泄漏 menu 菜单 message 消息 message based 基于消息的 message loop 消息环 message queuing消息队列 metadata 元数据 metaprogramming元编程 method 方法 micro 微 middleware 中间件 middle tier 中间层 modeling 建模 modeling language 建模语言 modifier 修饰字、修饰符 modem 调制解调器 module 模块 most derived class最底层的派生类 mouse 鼠标 mutable 可变的 mutex 互斥元、互斥体 multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) 多维OLAP(MOLAP) (for database) multithreaded server application 多线程服务器应用程序 multiuser 多用户 multi-tasking 多任务 multi-thread 多线程 multicast delegate 组播委托、多点委托 named parameter 命名参数 named pipe 命名管道 namespace 名字空间、命名空间 native 原生的、本地的 native code 本地码、本机码 Native Image Generator (NGEN)本地映像生成器 nested class 嵌套类 nested query 嵌套查询 (for database) nested table 嵌套表 (for database) network 网络 network card 网卡 nondependent name object 对象 object based 基于对象的 object file 目标文件 object model 对象模型 object oriented 面向对象的laser 激光 late binding 迟绑定 left outer join 左向外联接 (for database) level 阶、层例 high level 高阶、高层 library 库 lifetime 生命期、寿命 link 连接、链接 linkage 连接、链接 linker 连接器、链接器 literal constant 字面常数 list 列表、表、链表 list box 列表框 livelock 活锁 (for database) load 装载、加载 load balancing 负载平衡 loader 装载器、载入器 local 局部的 local object 局部对象 lock 锁 log 日志 login 登录 login security mode登录安全模式 (for database) lookup table 查找表 (for database) loop 循环 loose coupling 松散耦合 lvalue 左值 machine code 机器码、机器代码 macro 宏 maintain 维护 managed code 受控代码、托管代码 Managed Extensions 受控扩充件、托管扩展 managed object 受控对象、托管对象 mangled name manifest 清单 manipulator 操纵器(iostream预先定义的一种东西) many-to-many relationship 多对多关系 (for database) many-to-one relationship 多对一关系 (for database) marshal 列集 member 成员 member access operator 成员取用运算子(有dot和arrow两种) member function 成员函数 member initialization list成员初始值列表 memberwise 以member为单元…、members 逐一… memberwise copy memory 内存 memory leak 内存泄漏 menu 菜单 message 消息 message based 基于消息的 message loop 消息环 message queuing消息队列 metadata 元数据 metaprogramming元编程 method 方法 micro 微 middleware 中间件 middle tier 中间层 modeling 建模 modeling language 建模语言 modifier 修饰字、修饰符 modem 调制解调器 module 模块 most derived class最底层的派生类 mouse 鼠标 mutable 可变的 mutex 互斥元、互斥体 multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) 多维OLAP(MOLAP) (for database) multithreaded server application 多线程服务器应用程序 multiuser 多用户 multi-tasking 多任务 multi-thread 多线程 multicast delegate 组播委托、多点委托 named parameter 命名参数 named pipe 命名管道 namespace 名字空间、命名空间 native 原生的、本地的 native code 本地码、本机码 Native Image Generator (NGEN)
The United States Marine Corps is a relatively small and parochial organization. Numbering only 172,000, it is the smallest of the Nations armed forces. It also epitomizes the warrior ethic, much to the consternation of the socialists present in our society Marine Corps is, and has been throughout its existence, an expeditionary force. Consequently it is task organized to land its forward deployed units worldwide. Because we are a naval force, the primary method of force projection is amphibious, and the forcible entry option into a non-permissive environment is powerful and the Marine Corps exists a small group of highly trained and superbly competent Marines; those assigned to the Force Reconnaissance community. Relatively unknown outside of the Department of Defense (DOD), they neither seek nor suffer the publicity of others in this attempt to provide a small look into the world of Force Reconnaissance. The amount of information will require three separate articles. This first installment will be a brief overview of the history and organization of Force Reconnaissance and how it fits into the Marine Corps mission. The second will be concerned with selection and training, and finally the third will cover weapons and equipment used by these silent warriors. There is a fair amount of jargon and acronyms involved, which I have hopefully softened and explained without gentrifying the , the only stand alone Force Reconnaissance Company in the Marine Corps is 1st Force. The 2nd Recon Bn. (East Coast) and 3rd Recon Bn. (Okinawa) have a Force capability imbedded in their respective Reconnaissance Battalions. This may change (again) in the near future, but as of this time only 1st Force is capable of independent operations. Because of the different command relations that exist, this article is concerned primarily with 1st Marine Forces Reserve have 3rd Force Recon in Mobile, AL, and 4th Force Recon in Honolulu, with a detachment in Reno, necessary to clarify the difference between Force and Division Reconnaissance Battalion supports the Division, and it provides tactical reconnaissance in the Distant Reconnaissance supports the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), a Corps equivalent, and conducts Operational Level reconnaissance in the Deep Reconnaissance had it genesis in Camp Pendelton in 1954 when a test unit was formed to evaluate methods of insertion for reconnaissance teams. These two platoons, (a Parachute Reconnaissance Platoon and a Pathfinder Platoon) were eventually combined with an existing Amphibious Reconnaissance Company to form 1st Force Reconnaissance Company in 1958, one half of the Company was transferred to the east coast to form the fledgling 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company. 1st Force was then a part of Force Troops, Fleet Marine Force Pacific (FMFPac) and supported both the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions. 2nd Force was assigned to Force Troops, Fleet Marine Force Atlantic (FMFLant), and supported the 2nd Marine early years were spent developing the doctrine and skills that bore fruit in the crucible of South East Asia.1 1st Force and 3rd Force2 went into the former Republic of Viet Nam in 1965, supporting 3rd Marine Amphibious Force in I Corps. During its five years in country, 1st Force ran over 2,200 reconnaissance -four Marines and Sailors of 1st Force were killed or remain Missing in Action during that Company was deactivated in 1974, as part of the post war draw down. The 1st Platoon was transferred to 1st Reconnaissance Bn. at that time, in order to retain a deep reconnaissance capability for 1st Marine mixing of Force with Division Recon has never been entirely satisfactory, and the Company again stood up in 1986. 1st Force operated in Southwest Asia during desert Shield/ Storm, and has since deployed to multiple hot spots including East Timor last Company has two Mission Profiles- Deep Reconnaissance and Direct the conventional, or Green side, the mission is to conduct Amphibious Reconnaissance, Deep Ground Reconnaissance, Battlespace Shaping, and surveillance to observe, identify and report enemy conduct specialized terrain reconnaissance that includes hydrography, beaches, roads, bridges, routes, urban areas, helicopter landing zones (HLZ), airborne drop zones (DZ) and aircraft forward operating task organized with other forces, equipment or personnel, they can assist in special engineer, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC), Radio, mobile or other reconnaissance , they can implant or recover sensors and beacons, conduct Initial Terminal Guidance for helicopters, landing craft and parachutists. As directed, they can designate and engage selected targets with Force fires, including terminal guidance of Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) can conduct post strike reconnaissance to determine and report damage to a specific target or area, or perform other operations as directed by higher example of this type of mission is the Personal Security Detail (PSD). Members of the Company are regularly tasked with providing protection to high-ranking military or civilian members in hostile areas. Generally a very high profile detail, the Marines of Force have the proper attitude and mindset to keep themselves and a principal alive in the bad neighborhoods of the third the Direct Action, or Black side, Force conducts Gas/ Oil Platforms (GOPLATS), Vessel /Board/Search /Seizure (VBSS), capture/ recovery of selected enemy personnel and equipment, and Tactical Recovery of Aircraft/ Personal (TRAP) that the Company is capable of conducting Direct Action missions inside the Deep Battle area when task organized with other elements-specifically a Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) element, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians, Radio or Electronic warfare specialists and Company is equally capable of conducting reconnaissance or direct action missions on very short task recently removed from Force was In- Extremis Hostage Rescue. (IHR). While USSOCOM Tier 1 assets (Combat Applications Group {CAG} and DevGrp) have primary cognizance of hostage recovery, it was recognized early on that when the bad guys were executing hostages right now, a capable forward-deployed unit could be it was felt by some that the IHR mission requires too much training time to be proficient, and that time spent in training for DA missions would degrade the Deep Reconnaissance capability. To that end the Marine Corps no longer advertises the IHR mission. However, Maritime Interdiction Operations, GOPLAT, prisoner recovery etc. all require a high degree of proficiency in surgical shooting and CQB skills. The Marine Corps has wisely not lowered the shooting standards and while IHR may not now exist as a mission, the capability is still resident in the accomplish the mission profiles, Force utilizes special insert/ extraction techniques. These include:Motorized - Improved Fast Attack Vehicle (IFAV)Amphibious - Submarine, Surface Combatant, Sub- Surface (Closed Circuit Mk-25 Drager) or SCUBA (Open Circuit), Over the Horizon (OTH) via the CCRC (Zodiac), Soft Duck/ Hard DuckAir - Helo; fast rope, rappel, Special Patrol Insertion/ Extraction Rig (SPIE Rig); Parachute, including Low Level Static Line (LLSL), High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) up to 25,000, and High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) up to 35, understand how Force Reconnaissance functions, we need to understand how it fits into current Marine Corps Marine Corps is broken down into three Marine Expeditionary Forces (MEF), each consisting of a Marine Division, a Marine Air Wing, and a Force Service Support non-operational units exist to support the MEF and subordinate units. As with the subordinate MEU, a single commander is responsible for ground, aviation and support deployed are the Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable) {MEU (SOC)}. The MEU (SOC) is the smallest of the Corps Air/ Ground Task Forces, consisting of approximately 2100 Marines and reason why it is Special Operations Capable and not Special Operations is that neither the Marine Corps nor any of its units belong to U.S. Special Operations Command. While Joint (or Purple) Operations are the rage in the halls of the Pentagon, the Marine Corps has always believed (and with great justification) that other services will deny the Marine Corps the use of its own specially trained assets during a has occurred on several occasions during the Viet Nam War, and more recently in the Gulf a prime example, Marine Corps aviation exists solely to support the guys who actually do the fighting (the Grunts). Joint Air managers have long sought to remove these very valuable assets in order to make more efficient use of tactical air. The end result is that when a Marine infantryman needs that specially trained Marine pilot to deliver ordnance at danger close, he might be making toothpicks many miles away. The alternative is no air, or pilots who have not been properly trained in Close Air Support (CAS). The feeling is that if Force was assigned to USSOCOM, they might also remove the Force Reconnaissance assets from supporting a MEF or MEU (SOC) is comprised of a Ground Combat Element (GCE), an Aviation Combat Element (ACE), a MEU Combat Service Support Group, and a Command Element (CE) GCE is the Battalion Landing Team (BLT), an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAVs), Light Armored Reconnaissance assets, Tanks, Engineers and a Division Reconnaissance Aviation Combat Element (ACE) is a Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) augmented into a composite squadron. It will usually consist of 12 CH-46s, 4 CH-53s, 3 UH-1Ns, and 4 AH-1W Cobras. It may also have 6 AV-8B Harrier fixed wing aircraft ACE also has an Air Control detachment, 6 Avenger Air Defense HMMV, and a Light Air Defense (LAD) Detachment MEU Service Support Group (MSSG) contains all of the specialists and equipment necessary to keep the GCE and the ACE functioning. This includes motor transport, mechanical, engineering, medical, dental, postal and other technical Command Element provides the Command and Control for the three components of the MEU. In addition to the MEU Commander and his staff, a Radio Recon Bn. Detachment, an Intelligence Detachment, and a Force Recon platoon are MEU (SOC) is forward deployed on a three ship Amphibious Ready Group. (Usually an LHD or LHA, and an LPD and LSD). Generally speaking, and depending on sequencing, two or sometimes three MEU (SOC)s are forward deployed around the world at any given MEU (SOC) is self sustaining and capable of executing an amphibious operation at night or under adverse weather conditions, by surface (in LCACs and AAVs) or by air (in the embarked helicopter squadron) within six hours of receiving the execute can also launch amphibious raids, conduct NEOs, (Non Combat Evacuation Operation) reinforcement operations, security operations, or humanitarian operations. It can seize airfields or ports, and conduct Counter Intelligence and Signal Intelligence 1st Force is a Company, it is administered along the lines of a are approximately 200 Marines and Sailors in the Company. Leading the Company is the Company Headquarters consisting of the Commanding Officer (CO), a LtCol, the Executive Officer (XO), a Major, and a Sergeant the operational platoons is the S1 (Administrative) Shop; the S2 (Intelligence) Section; the S3 (Operations); and the S4 (Logistics and Supply); and the S6 (Communications) the cognizance of the S3 is the indispensable Training Cell and the Paraloft. The S4 Shop has control of the Dive and Amphibious Lockers, the Motor Transport Section, and the Company has medical and dive personnel assigned from the Navy. While Corpsmen have always been held in high regard by Marines (and for obvious reasons), those Corpsmen assigned to Force Recon are definitely a breed apart. These Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman go through all of the training that the Marines in Force go through, plus their own advanced Combat Trauma Training. When assigned to the platoons, they are shooters first and foremost, and indistinguishable from their green the Table of Organization is for six operational platoons, only five are actually Operational platoons are staffed with a platoon headquarters consisting of a Platoon Commander (usually a Captain), a platoon sergeant (usually a Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant), Platoon Radio Operator (normally a Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant), a Navy Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman, and a platoon Equipment NCO (Rigger/ Armorer) are three, six man teams in the platoon. Each Team consists of a Team Leader (SSgt), an Assistant Team Leader (SSgt/ Sgt), a Radio Operator, and three Reconnaissance six-man team concept reflects real world experience. The Company formerly fielded 4 man teams but there were a number of issues that impacted negatively on the Marines. Consider that they must jump, dive, or walk in with all the gear necessary to complete the mission. The new surveillance and communications gear is lighter, stronger and more efficient than what it replaces, but there is more of it. Less then six cannot carry the equipment necessary for Deep Reconnaissance missions. Equally important is what the team does with a friendly casualty. Unless a 4-man team was willing to cache all of its equipment, they would not be able to carry a casualty Deep Reconnaissance, survival is based on stealth, and stealth is a by-product of alertness. A 4-man team does not have the numbers to provide an adequate rest cycle while maintaining proper a Deep Reconnaissance mission requires that the team not be compromised, the reality of life is that they may. When that happens, the rules change. Because they are in the deep battle area, they cannot count on artillery support, and CAS and the extract birds may be a long time coming. They must be able to shoot, move and communicate, but unlike a Grunt, they are operating in a friendly vacuum. The 4 man team simply does not have enough guns to work as two 6 man team also provides the numbers necessary to perform a Direct Action mission. Remember that these missions will take place in a non-permissive (or at best, a semi-permissive) environment. The smaller teams are just an invitation for failed missions and higher the other side of the coin, increasing the team drastically increases the chance of detection. More than 6 and the patrol becomes too unwieldy for clandestine operations.6 man teams are a compromise, and it is the best available Direct Action missions, the platoon is configured into a single unit, and task organized with Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians, a Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) section (drawn from the BLT Scout/ Sniper Platoon), and a Security Element (also drawn from the BLT) as well as other mission related may note that the rank structure is significantly more senior then in conventional forces. This accurately reflects the length of time one spends in training before he can get into a platoon, and is commensurate with the maturity and responsibility of these Marines. Considering the amount of sophisticated surveillance and communication gear available to the platoon, the training required to operate and maintain it, and what it is they actually do, any issues about rank become amazingly Force Reconnaissance Company is the personal eyes and ears of the MEF Commander - a three star Corps level equivalent. They provide him with real time information in the Deep Battle area not available by other Marines of Force Recon do not consider thewmselves to be elite or special. Their attitude is that thaey have been fortunate to be selected to a unit that provides unique challenges and opportunities, and makes full use of their talents. They are tough, rugged men, whose job is to support the guy who does the real fighting - the Marine Infantryman.